Channel Adult Training in Golf

We know that our adult tendencies interfere with our quest to become consistent golfers.  How can we use these characteristics, try harder and do above and beyond, to help us improve our swings and be more consistent?

Try Harder

Instead of trying harder to hit the ball, you need to channel the try harder characteristic to try harder to focus.  Focus on your rhythm, balance, and being efficient.

Since this is easier to say than do, it is appropriate that you really try harder to focus.

Do Above and Beyond

The characteristic to do a little extra can affect your consistency because it can cause you to lose your rhythm.  In most cases, it will cause you to slow your rhythm.  Instead, use extra effort to be more precise.  Be more precise in your setup, rhythm, balance and being efficient.  This takes increased awareness of your swing, going above and beyond to be precise.

Law of Diminishing Returns

The Law of Diminishing Returns is definitely in the realm of adults. The definition is “A law affirming that to continue after a certain level of performance has been reached will result in a decline in effectiveness.” This law can be applied to the golf swing.  The next time you are at the driving range, try to swing with what you feel is approximately 50% of your maximum force.  You should be able to have the ball go straight while you finish in balance.  Next increase the amount of force to what you feel is approximately 60% of your maximum force.  If you have a decrease in performance (worse distance, direction, or balance) then you should settle on using only 50% of your maximum force, because 50% of your maximum force gives you the best results. You need to find what your point of diminishing returns is.  It will definitely not be 100%.  It is commonly believed that professional golfers only use 80% of their maximum.  For amateurs, 50% – 70% would be more realistic.