Do More by Doing Less – Part 2

My previous article, “Do More by Doing Less,” talks about the fact that, in golf, trying harder never works.  I also described how to determine the amount of force to use that will produce the straightest and longest shots for your swing by discussing the law of diminishing returns.

In this article I want to tell you what happens automatically when you have achieved an efficient down swing as presented in my article “Feel an Efficient Swing.”  When you can produce an efficient down swing, a lot of actions that you think you need to do will be done automatically.

When you have an efficient down swing, you will feel that you will be doing less with your lower body, upper body, arms, and hands.  When you try to do too much with your lower body, upper body, arms, and hands, you are using a very inefficient down swing motion.

The following will describe the Automatic Actions created as a result of an efficient down swing.  I will also describe the cause of the Automatic Action in an efficient down swing.  Since the following actions are Automatic Actions you do not need to focus on trying to do these actions.

  • Rhythm – The stretch to the right of the point in front of the right ear, at the end of the back swing, creates the pause that automatically creates a rhythmic swing
  • Weight shift – The stretch of the back inside of the ball of the right foot and the stretch of the hands away from the body automatically causes the weight to shift to the left
  • Unwind the Upper Body Towards the Target – The snap down of the back of the upper right arm causes the release of tension, created during the back swing coil, automatically unwinds the upper body
  • Move the Club Towards the Target – The snap down of the back of the right upper arm automatically pivots the right arm at the right shoulder and pivots the upper body at the spine to move the club towards the target
  • Snap the Hands Down – The snap down of the back of the right upper arm uses gravity and centrifugal force to automatically snap the hands down
  • Lag, Increased Club Head Speed, Increase in Distance – Less tension in the fingers and arms and the stretch up of the right little finger causes the club head to lag behind the movement of the upper body and arms. The lag increases the club head speed and increases the distance of the shot.
  • Supination – Feeling the stretch up in the right little finger during the down swing automatically creates the supination of the wrists and eliminates the distance robbing pronation of the wrists
  • Solid contact – Focusing on a rhythmic swing, feeling the stretch of the inside of the tips of the little fingers, and doing less with the arms and hands automatically creates better contact
  • Balanced Finish – Starting the down swing from the ground up using the back inside of the ball of the right foot and allowing the body to react automatically produces a balanced finish

There is no need to do inefficient motions when using just the right upper arm, the tips of the little fingers, and the back inside of the ball of the right foot is enough to create a consistent and efficient golf swing.