You Must Believe in Magic

Golf is a mental game.  You need to embrace this concept in order to reach the level of skill that you desire.  A major aspect of embracing that golf is a mental game is to believe in magic!!

Why magic?  You need to believe in magic in order to suspend logic and believe that anything is possible. This attitude is the adopted by all highly skilled golfers.

You need to suspend logic because golf is not a logical game.   Everything about golf that you think is logical or natural is not true.

What you think is logical and natural about golf are:

  • Try to lift the ball into the air
  • Try harder to achieve better results
  • Do extra motions to get better results
  • Use the arms to hit the ball or help the ball into the air
  • Keep your eye on the ball
  • Swing as hard as you can

Most golfers who struggle with their golf game think the above concepts are important in order to become a good golfer.  Unfortunately, the above approaches to golf do not work.

Some examples of the illogical nature of golf are:

  • Swing down to make the ball go up
  • Trying harder never works
  • Do less to get better results
  • Swinging the arms is the least efficient way to move the club
  • The objective is not to try to hit the ball
  • The golf swing is about rhythm and balance

Very few people embrace the above concepts, but all highly skilled golfers embrace all of the above concepts.

If you believe in magic, you will have the appropriate attitude to let go of doing what is logical and natural. You will trust doing what is important for success in golf.

If you believe in magic, you will embrace the following concepts:

  • Golf is not about hitting the ball
  • Commit to develop one full swing
  • Swing in rhythm and finish on balance
  • Swing down to make the ball go up
  • Develop a pre-shot routine
  • Use the big muscles to swing the arms
  • Develop an efficient swing

Believing in magic is a big change in attitude.  Adults have been trained to only believe what they can understand logically.  We have also been trained to be cynical of information that sounds illogical. Golf requires that you adopt an open and accepting attitude in order to feel free to “try it and see what happens”.  Most adults try to logically predict, unsuccessfully, what will happen if they are asked to execute a specific swing motion.

If you believe in magic, you can become a magician who can do things that do not appear to be possible.  These impossible things include:

  • Swing down to make the ball go up
  • Use less force to make the ball go farther
  • Swinging in rhythm and balance makes the ball go farther and straighter
  • You can focus to block distracting thoughts
  • You can produce shots that you visualize

If you really are serious about improving your golf game, you will believe in magic and become a magician.  You will be able to create magical moments on the golf course and amaze not only your friends, but yourself.